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"Ugh, I hate dressing up." Siyeon muttered to herself as she spritz a bit of perfume all over herself before exiting her room.

Her sister, Chaewon, was already dressed and waiting in the living room. Chaewon gave her sister a once over with an impressed look.

"I'm surprised you had that in your closet."

"I know. I bought it a while back, but never actually used it."

Siyeon tentatively touched the dress she wore.

"Does it look okay?"

"Twirl around." Chaewon ordered while twirling her index finger to indicate her sister to do the same.

Siyeon rolled her eyes, but nevertheless twirled. Chaewon nodded in approval.

"Not bad. Yonghee's gonna be so surprised."

"I know, but compare to you I won't stand out too much."

Chaewon also spun around with her dress twirling around her.

"Not too much for the future bride. It's still her moment."


Siyeon then sighed.

"I dunno if I'm gonna last in these heels."

"Wear flats." Chaewon suggested.

"None match this dress."

" to be you."


"Anyways," Chaewon checked herself out once again the living room's wall mirror, "I thought Yonghee wasn't going to have an engagement party though?"

"She didn't." Siyeon answered also doing the same thing as Chaewon. "Yongin's parents insisted and so we're going as Yonghee's family since you know her whole family history and such."

"Yeah, but I'm surprised it's not a traditional style though."

"I think they're doing the westernized version to keep it simple while they'll do the whole traditional one for real later on."

"I would, too. I'm just happy to know that life is blessing her."

"Me, too. Anyways, let me change out of the heels first."

It actually took a while as Siyeon contemplated whether to changed out of her heels or not and ended up going in the heels much to Chaewon's annoyance.

"Let's go." Chaewon urged.

"Okay, okay."

Siyeon had opened the main door and immediately closed after seeing their significant others on the other side.

"This can't be real." She muttered to herself as Chaewon's brows furrowed.

"What can't be real?"

Siyeon turned to face her sister.

"Um, Hyunwoo and Hyungwon are here."

Serena cast her sister a confused look.

"And I don't know why."

"Just open the door, Yeon." Chaewon ordered with a firm tone despite her facial expression seeming like she did know why they were there.

"I understand that your boyfriend stopped by, but not sure why Hyungwon would come over."

"Hyungwon is your boyfriend, too."

"It's complicated, Won. There's no real label to our relationship."

"I know."

Chaewon cast her sister a smirk as Siyeon shot her a pointed look.

"You told them, didn't you?"

"Maybe?" Chaewon answered nonchalantly.


Siyeon whined as Chaewon rolled her eyes.

"Just open the door or we're gonna be late and that's a bad impression for Yonghee's sake."

Siyeon groaned a bit childishly, but reluctantly opened the door with a feign smile.


Siyeon actually took in account of their attire and knew that Chaewon had definitely told them about Yonghee's engagement party.

"Hi, babe!' Chaewon greeted Hyunwoo happily.

"Wonnie, you look beautiful."

Hyunwoo complimented his girlfriend as the pair leaned towards one another to share a kiss before hooking arms and walking out first towards the elevator leaving the other pair behind.

"This brat." Siyeon muttered as she closed the door.

Hyungwon's small cough got her attention.


Siyeon looked at Hyungwon.

"The color compliments you." Hyungwon complimented as Siyeon suddenly turned shy.

"Uh, thank you. You're pretty dashing yourself."

"I know."

Siyeon rolled her eyes in good-nature.

"Anyways," Hyungwon trailed off as he pointed at his cheek expectantly while giving her a teasing look.

Siyeon eyed him before swiftly planting a small peck and rushing off to catch up with the others. Hyungwon chuckled, but nevertheless followed after and caught up to Siyeon with his hand easily slipping into hers.

"Wow, you look so beautiful in your engagement dress, Yonghee." Chaewon complimented her friend as she hugged her.

The trio were finally able to talk just the three of them once things settled down after all the whole announcements and both sides meeting one another.

"Yeah. I believe this is the most girliest I've ever seen you dressed up so far, Yonghee." Siyeon cooed with happiness as she hugged her friend as well. "And that you're really getting married."

Yonghee laughed as she hugged her friends.

"Thanks and I know right. But look at you, Siyeon. You're just as girly as me."

Siyeon scoffed.

"You're just lucky that it's a special occasion."

"Thank you so much, but I still feel like it's still all a dream to be honest."

"Well, it's a dream come true and we're all happy for you." Chaewon stated with a smile.

"Yeah, just wish my side were just as supportive as you two."

Yonghee slightly frowned, but Siyeon disagreed.

"Hey, Yongin's parents love you and they'll also be your family, too. Your own happiness matters before others."

"True. Anyways," Yonghee slyly cast Siyeon a look, "I heard you're getting hitched next, yeah?"

"What? Not even. Who told you that?"

Siyeon shot her sister a disbelief look before returning her attention onto her friend.

"Chaewon's the one that's gonna get married before me."

"True, I do want to get married, but it'll happen if it happens."

Chaewon shrugged nonchalantly as Yonghee chuckled.

"I mean, Hyunwoo seems like a dependable guy and the two of you seem quite serious."

"Yeah, well, we've only been dating for two years."

"But known one another for at least six years though." Siyeon interjected.

"Yeah, but you and Hyungwon are the same, just there's no label." Chaewon countered with a smirk.

"I agree." Yonghee laughed. "I mean, I know you, Siyeon, and you can't say that he doesn't matter to you."


Chaewon and Yonghee laughed ju

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2030 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hey there, I stumbled upon this story while searching for something interesting to read. Having Shownu as a lead definitely pulled me here. I have read this oneshot (?) and I gotta say, I'm actually yearning for more. I know you have part two for it, which I'll get to later. Anyway, I had fun reading this and see you later in the second part ^^